Daniel So – Illustration
Daniel So – Illustration

Late Nite Take Out Ep. 3 – Stop AAPI Hate

April 23, 2021

Episode Description:

In this episode, I reach out to you as the son of two immigrant parents. They both lived through great hardship to immigrate here to America. If I could ask both of them right now what they thought, I imagined they would be surprised, but feel they shouldn’t be, to hear the narrative that the “kung flu” virus is a result of immigration. I share the stories of their immigration in hopes to humanize their story.


Many immigrate in the hopes of a better opportunity at life, usually without many prospects left for them or their families at home. I imagine many, like my parents, were confronted with racism after their immigration, only adding to the weight of the journey. In some ways, the recent attacks on Asian Americans aren’t new. The same hate, a different day. In this episode, I recount about times my family faced opposition they could not understand in contrast with their want for a better life. Often, they would try to turn the other cheek.


The rise in violent attacks on Asian Americans reflects a very real fear. The fear of helplessness, the same feeling many victims of racism feel. In these times, we must remember to speak out and that just being happy to be here is not enough. Love yours, watch over them, and stay safe y’all.

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