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Pierce Pinnacle

The student news site of Pierce College

Pierce Pinnacle

The Justin Timberlake full 20/20 experience

Aaryn Kornbau  Staff Writer

Before you knew his name, as a break out solo artist Justin Timberlake was one of your favorite bleach blond members of NSYNC. Since the band’s split in 2002 Justin Timberlake has only become an even bigger name and charmer.JT-Greyright

Justin’s first solo album “Justified” was an instant hit with “Cry me a River” and “Rock Your Body” especially after the recent split from Brittany Spears.

His first part of The 20/20 Experience was released on March 15, 2013 with radio hits “Mirrors” and “Suit and Tie”, featuring Jay-Z . The much anticipated part two (with the other tens songs) was released September 27,2013.

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The entire album definitely pushed the envelope with its classy and sensual tones in its tracks. Especially with it’s euphemisms for women and slower tempos.

Another addition to Justin’s new album was that every track has melodic extended interludes, hence part of the experience. The goal of this album was to capture the audience with the ambiance of the 1920’s mixed with the lyricism and style of the twentieth century hence being the 20/20 experience.

While this album had more mellow tempos it still held rhythmic beats for dancing. As usual his voice was on pitch the whole album through. None of the tracks sounded like they were too modernized with auto tune or influenced by the techno era. The album definitely suited audiences geared toward pop and soul. Over all I’d say the album was dressed to the nines.

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